Safeguarding and Child Protection
The WASP Centre is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, trustees and volunteers to share this commitment.
We follow Wiltshire County Council guidelines with regard to Safeguarding and Child Protection.
You can visit the Wiltshire Safeguarding Children's Board for local information regarding welfare and child protection by clicking the link below:
Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership
Safeguarding procedures are followed in the interview and appointment of staff, including ensuring that there is at least one member of the panel who has completed Safeguarding/Safer Recruitment training.
All staff and volunteers are subject to enhanced DBS checks.
Staff and governors are trained with regard to Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Aspects of Child Protection and Safeguarding are included in the school curriculum to give students the information they need to help them stay safe and make wise choices. This includes: work on bullying, cyber-bullying, safe use of the Internet and personal safety.
If you notice anything that you feel is a cause for concern relating to a child’s safety, please ensure you discuss it immediately with the Designated Safeguarding Lead. All conversations will be handled discreetly and only discussed with the relevant agencies as necessary.
The Safeguarding Team
Morven Fletcher | Safeguarding Trustee
Safeguarding from Radicalisation
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 placed a duty on specific authorities including local authorities, police, education and health to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’ and to address this with a proportionate response.
Working Together to Support Young People
Private Fostering
Most children and young people spend some time away from their home staying with relatives and friends. In cases where children/young people may stay for longer period of time special procedures may apply.
If a child or young person is under 16 (or if disabled under18) and living with a family member or friend for longer than 28 days this is then seen as Private Fostering. This does not have to be continuous........

Where to find support and guidance