Special Educational Needs
Brunel College is committed to recognising the individual needs of its students, maximising the realisation of their potential. It aims to provide a safe environment for young people with SEND, where their confidence and self-belief in the future can be nurtured. Learners with SEND are supported through the removal of barriers to participation and achievement; they are also supported to learn both practical skills and qualifications as well as developing a vision for their future.
Students at Brunel College have educational needs which fall under at least one of the following broad areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2015:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and/or physical needs
Many students have EHCPs and their needs will be reviewed annually. Views are sought from the student, parents/carers and members of staff. Students are actively encouraged and supported to attend their Annual Review so their voice can be heard. If students are in Year 11, planning for post-16 options will be a priority in their Transition Review which will take place by the beginning of December. This will ensure they receive the support necessary to secure a place at college. Other students may have a My Support Plan or be on SEN support.
If there are any concerns about a student’s progress, this would be discussed with parents/carers at the earliest opportunity, and it might be agreed that an intervention with a trained staff member be timetabled or that support from external specialists/practitioners be sought.
Brunel College places great importance on developing and maintaining good working relationships with parents/carers, partner schools and external partners - this partnership-working is vital in understanding the student’s context both inside and outside of the school.
Identifying Needs
Each student’s needs are assessed on entry through a robust student-centred induction process which includes diagnostic tests, neurodiversity profiling and ongoing informal conversations with the individual student. They are further assessed by a specialist teacher to ensure that they receive the appropriate access arrangements for any examinations undertaken. The information obtained is shared with all relevant staff along with guidance on strategies for effective teaching and how best to support the student.
As part of their timetable students have interventions that support any needs identified at induction and beyond.