English Language is both a core and a gateway subject. It enables students to develop reading and writing skills necessary to access other subjects in greater depth.
Small classes mean that teachers can address the specific needs of individual students.
The curriculum in both Key Stage 3 and 4 gives equal weight to reading and writing.
A wide range of texts are used in class to prepare students for the iGCSE English Language and/or Functional Skills.
Students will develop their reading skills, so that they are able to extract meaning from text as well as extending their comprehension and vocabulary skills. Each lesson is suited to promote a culture of reading.
Learners are encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which English can be used.
Students also develop their writing skills so that they can produce a piece of writing that is coherent and meaningful. Time is given to understanding the importance of punctuation as well as developing personalised spelling strategies. Opportunities are provided for students to enhance their speaking and listening skills by preparing presentations on topics of interest.

KS3 Curriculum
Students follow the Cambridge Lower Secondary English pathway curriculum. They develop skills and understanding in four areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Students learn how to communicate effectively and respond to a range of information, media and texts.
Students will:
- become confident communicators, able to apply all four skills effectively in everyday situations.
- see themselves as readers, engaging with a range of texts for information and for pleasure, including texts from different times and cultures.
- see themselves as writers, using the written word clearly and creatively for a range of different audiences and purposes.
KS4 Curriculum

iGCSE English Language
The iGCSE First Language English develops general analysis and communication skills such as inference and the ability to order facts and present opinions effectively. 
The qualification consists of 3 pieces of coursework (argumentative, descriptive and narrative writing), followed by an exam designed to assess reading comprehension skills as well as writing.

NCFE Functional Skills
Functional Skills English qualifications enable learners to develop confidence and fluency in English. Students will allow students to use English in the real world and gain a sound grasp of English techniques and skills.
Functional skills consist of a reading paper, a writing paper and a speaking and listening assessment.